Making the leap from a disposable cartridge razor to a plastic-free safety razor can be intimidating. Believe us, with Rockwell safety razors, that huge leap is easier than you would imagine. We’ve carefully crafted the only safety razors that are actually beginner-friendly.
Beginner-friendly sounds great, but what does that even mean?
What makes Rockwell different is our 6 individual shave settings available with every razor. Settings 1-3 are very mild, whereas 3-6 offer a closer shave. Starting on the lower shave settings is a safe place for beginners transitioning from traditional cartridge razors. There’s room to build up to a higher setting for a more aggressive shave once you are comfortable with your safety razor.
Rockwell 6C
This razor is one of our best selling products and the razor we always suggest for beginners looking to transition to a plastic-free shave. The price point is perfect for customers who are looking for a high-quality razor with a low-end investment. With 6 adjustable shave settings, it’s easy to find the perfect beginner setting and work your way up with experience.
Made from a durable alloy in a striking chrome finish. Beloved by shaving experts worldwide, the Rockwell 6C is guaranteed to upgrade your routine and deliver the best shaves you've ever experienced.
Price: Entry $50 USD
Quality: Durable Chrome Alloy
Adjustability: 6 Shave settings

Rockwell 6S
This razor is a great alternative to the 6C razor for customers who are looking for a higher quality razor and investment purchase. Stainless steel is extremely durable and will stand the test of time. Perfect any man or woman that's shaving their face, head, or sensitive areas. This razor also Includes a beginner setting that makes it impossible for users to cut themselves shaving.
Price: $100 USD
Quality: Stainless steel
Adjustability: 6 Shave settings
Rockwell Model T
The Model T razor is the newest of Rockwell safety razors. It was designed to be an intuitive, easy to use razor, with an adjustable dial that allows everyone to easily get a close and comfortable shave every time. The ingenious design and adjustable setting place the Model T at our highest price point.
Perfectly weighted and balanced through unparalleled craftsmanship for intuitive handling and effortless glide.
Price: $150 USD
Quality: Durable chrome alloy
Adjustability: 6 Shave settings